Starter/Charger 650A 12/24V


Professional starter/charger fitted with a heavy-duty transformer, flush mounted digital ammeter and variable charge rate controls. Features a fast-charge timer device to enable rapid battery recovery with a reduced risk of boiling the battery. Quick-charge facility allows the maximum charge output to be utilised for up to one hour, after which it is automatically cut-off. Suitable for EFB stop/start batteries.

99 in stock

SKU: SEASUPERSTART650 Category: Tags: ,


Max. Charge: 100A (80A EN).
Max. Start: 650A (450A EN).
2.3kW Input (charge).
11kW Input (start).
Battery Range:30-750Ah.
Digital display.
Switchable charge circuitry for accurate charge control.
Protection against voltage peaks.
Suitable for EFB stop/start batteries.
EU Cenelec specification EN 60335.